Trend: Advertisers modifying their TV spots?

Trend: Advertisers modifying their TV spots?

I’m a casual watcher of network TV here in northeast Ohio. And I’ve noticed something that I never noticed before: television commercial scripts being edited after the commercials have run for some time. And in two of the three examples below these edits do not appear to be strategic (in other words, it doesn’t seem as though the lines were changed because the product or service had changed, for example). They’re just tweaks.

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“Don’t speak to me that way!” (Customer Communications)

“Don’t speak to me that way!” (Customer Communications)

Thanks primarily to digital everything, marketers like you have dozens of communications channels available. But which channels are best for marketing your product, service, or cause? There is no single, correct answer. But there is one can’t-miss process: Your company’s marketing team needs to get out there and discover how your target audience wants to be engaged. To communicate effectively (and be heard) you really need to know what your customers are reading, watching, and listening to. So, why not just ask them?

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